The history of numerology is somewhat cloudy with no definite answer as to where it first originated. Egypt and Babylon are recognized as the earliest recorded history of numerology by the majority of numerologists. It was here that the Chaldean system was developed under the influence of the Hebrews. The credit for modern numerology, however, is most often given to the Greek philosopher Pythagoras.



When Pythagoras was around 50 years old he established a school that was sort of a secret society in Crotona, Italy. The society was called the semi-circle and there he taught Mathematics, Astronomy and Music. The society was open to both men and women. and it is said that his students were made to adhere to a strict code of secrecy and were not allowed to put any of his teachings in writing. It has also been reported that his students had to go through a 5 year period of perfect silence which allowed them to reach a level of deep contemplation and to develop faith. Most of the little that is known of what he taught was written down after his death.

Rather than focusing on solving mathematical problems like modern day mathemeticians, Pythagoras was primarily interested in the concepts or principles behind the mathematics. He felt that the entire universe could be expressed through numbers, and created a system for this that was then further expanded by other Greek philosophers. Although Pythagoras did not invent numerology, his theories took it to a different level which is why he is often credited with being the father of numerology.

Dr. Julia Stenton is credited both with raising awareness of Numerology in modern times in many parts of the world and with giving the name "Numerology" to the Science of Names and Numbers.

Though numerology is probably the least known or understood of the metaphysical sciences it is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Today it is most often used to discover secret meanings and to predict the future.


Every number posses its own identity just like every creature in this universe.....Numbers and spirituality are interrelated or they represent 2 faces of the same coin....when a man reaches a state where he feels as if everything is nothing and nothing is everything.....he reaches the final bliss....this indeed can be represented in numbers as to feel that 'ZERO EQUALS INFINITY'

The history of Numerology defines that Vedic Numerology subscribes to the belief that the soul chooses to manifest in an individual`s life expression by their birth data and the name vibration to evolve further in consciousness. The numbers define the psychological profile, the `ahamkara` (ego) and the karmic residue, in terms of the strength and weaknesses people are born with and will learn and refine through in this lifetime. The vibrational forces have a very distinct quality for each planet on human destiny. The practice of Numerology involves the number from one to nine, the seven luminaries, plus Rahu and Ketu, the nodes of the moon.

The history of Numerology evidences that though the practice has a foreign origin; it has widely been practiced in other countries considering its easy learning methods and accuracy of foretelling the destiny. In India it is practiced hugely by the `Rishis` since the time of the Vedas. Although it has been mentioned that Numerology is an accurate way of ascertaining human destiny, it also includes the involvement of `Karma` of human beings.
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